Wednesday, March 20, 2013



So it has been a long time since I have posted on this thing. I'm still working on getting fit and trim. I have started doing kickboxing, running, and the Paleo diet. I have gotten down 168 and I am really excited about that. I'm being healthy about my weight loss instead of destructive. I have a pretty good incentive because Cory and I are going to Vegas in May. So my goal is to be able to wear a bikini at the pool when we are there. 

I only have a year or so left of my graduate program and then I'm not sure what the world will hold for me. I just applied for my LCDC (Licence Chemical Dependency Counselor) and I hope to hear back from the board soon. 

There really isn't much else to say, but I'll keep updating on my weight loss. 

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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Keep on; keeping on

Hello blogging world,

My weight lose is going really well I started off at 176 and I down to 174 in about a 2 weeks. I know it isn't a huge difference but I feel better and I realize it isn't all about weight. I have been trying to stay active and watching what I eat really closely. I played disc golf today; and burned a lot of calories. I did have a slice of going away cake at work but I am not too worried about it. I am really proud of Cory and myself we are really sticking to it and trying hard to get healthy. 

My main issue I have been having lately is not drinking enough water. I have been getting terrible headaches and I think that might be the reason. 
I think I just need to keep trying to remember to drink water instead of coke zero and tea all the time. I have join a free fitness sight and the support I have found has been awesome. I think it is the extra boost I needed to stay on the right track. I really appreciated having people who are going through the same things to help me.  

It has been a month or so since my surgery and my eyes are doing really well. I have a slight drift on my left eye but that is to be expected. I have had my lazy eye for so long it is hard to correct it permanently. 

Summer school is over on Tuesday and I am so excited because I need a break! On a side note here is an adorable picture....

Good night!

Katie A. 

Friday, June 22, 2012

Its been a long time....

Well damn its been a long time since I have posted anything. 

I have been really busy between school, work, and my little family I have. I am almost completely recovered from my surgery. My eyes look really good and I am really happy with the results of everything and the healing. I am very thankful for the fast recovery time and being able to get back to doing everything within a week or two. Here is a quick picture of the 2 week mark of my surgery.

In case I haven't posted about it I have started graduate school. Yesterday (6/22) I got my first taste of becoming a therapist, I was scared out of my mind. I didn't even want to do it but my group made me. It is hard to explain everything about the experience but it was very fulfilling. It also made me realize that I am on the right path with my life. I will always question if I am good enough but at least I know now that this is my calling. 

I have slowly started to get back into my workout routine. I haven't been the best but Cory is getting into it too. It is really helping having another person be there to motivate me and keep me on the right track. The way I eat is getting a lot better too; I have cut out sweets almost completely and I think it is helping a lot. I still crave junk food every now and then but I always come back and remember what I am doing this for. Today, I have a few errands to run but I do plan on going to the gym for an hour or more to make up for the last few days I have missed. 

I realize that I am not the biggest person and I won't have the most motivational and inspiring weight lose. I am just a normal person who wants to be healthy and inspire myself to be confident. Well I should probably pay attention in class but I will be better about keeping my blog updated. 

Katie A. <3

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Well last night was my first time working out since my surgery. It went pretty well even though I think I put some strain on my eyes. I tried to keep it pretty mellow and not do too much but I did the circuit room which is half cardio and half weights. It was a lot of fun but it kicked my butt. I know I am supposed to weigh myself every Thursday but because I missed last week I am going to change my weight days to Mondays and hope I don't forget to do it. 

Summer school started this last Tuesday and it has been good too. I had my first test which I got an 82 on; not too bad for my first graduate school test. It was really hard and took me 2 hours to take. I don't know what I would have done if it hadn't of been online. 

I have class in the morning.

Good night world,

hKatie Ag

Thursday, June 7, 2012

For all the post I have missed

Sorry I have missed a few days. When I last wrote I was about to leave for Granbury and I'll start there.

This picture is awful but my eyes are straight. 
Granbury was really fun; Keller graduated from high school and Cory and I got to see Little Joe. I ate so terrible though I probably gained 5 pounds. I never worked out while I was there even though I should have. There is nothing I can do about it now so I am not going to worry about it. The weekend was great; I did have someone light a fire under my butt and make me want to lose weight even more. 

After we got back from Granbury I had surgery the next day. Surgery went really well and I am healing faster than I thought I would. My eyes are straight and red but the red will go away in a few weeks. It has only been 3 days since my surgery and I haven't gone back to the gym yet. I am going to try to workout tomorrow. I just have to be careful not to strain myself or my eyes. 

It may seem like I haven't been dedicated lately but I am. I have been really busy and I have had a lot going on. I am going to try to get back on it and keep myself going. 

Well I have class at 10 am so I need to get some sleep.

hKatie Ag

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day 6: May 29th

I am so excited about this weekend. I am going to be off work for almost a week and I get to go to Granbury to hang out with my boyfriend and his family. We get to see Cory's cousin Keller graduate, play disc golf, and get yummy food. I am worried about eating healthy while I am on the road but I am going to try my best to keep a clear and healthy mind. I have a goal to try and workout while I am away. I am really excited to get away for a while but when I get back I have my surgery on the 4th of June but then it is my birthday on June 5th!!!

My birthday plan is to just go to dinner and shop with my mom. After that around the 6th or so I am just going to have a cook out with Cory, Logan, and Rachele (steak, beer, maybe a some cheese cake; yum!). I just want to do something low key with nothing fancy...I am going to be 22 its nothing big or special so I want to match the occasion. 

Today was a good day; I feel like I am getting stronger and gaining more stamina throughout my body. I am going to go again tomorrow with Rachele. She is my good ole workout buddy. I am still trying to get Cory to come with my but I know he hates running on treadmills and I can't really blame him. I am slowly getting used to them; they still sick though. 

Sleepy time! Goodnight loves!!!! 

hKatie Michelleg

Monday, May 28, 2012

Day 4 & 5: May 27-28

Well I haven't been eating well I am not going to lie. My appetite has gone through the roof 
and I am trying to figure out how to control it. I worked out on day 
4 but not today (day 5) but I am going tomorrow. 

Yesterday I was terrible and went 800 over my calorie budget and drank was a terrible day but I did workout even though it doesn't compensate how much I went over my budget. 

Today was a lot better I didn't workout but I did stay 64 under my budget and I will workout tomorrow. I just needed a day off to let my muscles recover from the last 2 days. I am not going to give up I am getting stronger and healthier. I need to learn to love myself and stop hating my body so much. 
I am doing the best I can right now and it is only the start of my journey. My first weigh in is coming up on Thursday and I am going off the scale I have at home so I am not sure how accurate it is but that is what I am going to stick with. 

I know no one really cares about this blog but It keeps me motivated and focused; that is all that matters to me now. 

hKatie Michelleg